"C'était en l'année 1967 que M. Mehta HM abord offert ses marchandises de ce lieu indistinct."

À propos de nous
ART INDIA puise son inspiration dans la culture indienne pour fabriquer des bijoux ethniques et des accessoires décoratifs pour la maison. Nous fournissons des produits de qualité à des tarifs compétitifs pour les magasins de mode à travers le monde.
L'histoire de ART INDIA a comhommescé à partir d'une véranda humble dans la locale animée de la rue Princess prospère à Mumbai. C'était en l'année 1967 que M. Mehta HM abord offert ses marchandises de ce lieu indistinct. En dépit de la taille négligeable de son entreprise, il se concentre sur la qualité et talent de rester à jour avec les dernières tendances attiré des clients au-delà des frontières indiennes. Beaucoup de ceux qui ont effectué un achat unique tourné fidèle et l'entreprise a grandi.
Over the years, ART INDIA took on a new form. It transformed into an established manufacturing and exporting set-up, producing fashionable bijoux and décorative items. The founder’s sons, Mr. Tushar Mehta and Mr. Hiten Mehta, joined in to share the responsibility of the rapidly growing establishhommest. Even the customer base expanded to encompass high-street fashion stores across U.S.A., Europe, Australia, Africa and the Gulf region.
The growth of ART INDIA has been consistent and our emphasis on stylish, high-quality products has never wavered. With the help of this focus and the support of our dedicated team, we are certain to see ART INDIA flourish and serve an ever-increasing number of customers across the globe.
Our Objectives
- To provide superior quality at competitive rates
- To innovate and offer a wide range of products
- To maintain our attention to detail
- To undertake new business ventures,which are consistent with our core beliefs
- To offer the best services to both internal customers (employees) as well as external ones
Our presence has been noted at reputable exhibitions and trade fairs such as:
- Ambiente
- Asia Fashion and Jewellery Accessories Fair - Hong Kong (HKF)
- India fair